Netvrk Archetype Avatars

4 min readApr 19, 2023


An Avatar System Built to Support Your Own Self-awareness

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung


Building a metaverse project is an ambitious venture. A successful project combines game mechanics, economy, user empowerment, community building, and storytelling. Each of these tracts have their own layers, gradually emerging and building over time with new features and through various development cycles.

To this point, Netvrk has front loaded game mechanics, virtual world economy, and community building with the January release of Mine Runner. With that release we reward players with one half of the in-game economy in the form of Energy, the currency players earn with in-game action. We also brought in several partner projects as avatars, allowing players to discover other communities and experience the game from a different perspective.

As we move toward our first release of the multiplayer world, we have refined the story of our world. The release of the Netvrk Story document, our community celebrates with us the Netvrk Origin Story. Netvrk reflects the healing superpower of human creativity, on the way to utilizing creativity to solve our real-world issues. This is the core to our story, and it is from here we are introducing the upcoming Netvrk Archetype Collection.

A World with Characters

Characters are central to storytelling and are a part of our metaverse from the beginning. Our initial release of avatars is a symbol of the earliest days of our virtual world, acting as a bridge between past and present, connecting our community’s past experiences with the current demand for innovative and creative expression. These iconic avatars hold significant value and will continue to provide early access to our new line of avatars. The Archetype Collection truly drives our storyline forward, elevating our vision to new heights and providing unparalleled opportunities for our users to engage with our virtual world.

As earlier stated, the Algorithm that moderates the Netvrk Metaverse is trying to understand human creativity, a complex human trait that combines technical skill with motivation and a host of other internal personality traits, sometimes called Creative Thinking Skills. These skills include taking both positive and negative feedback to improve output, or having the ability to preserve through creative ‘dry spells’, or the ability to understand setbacks as a necessary part of growth. That the Algorithm is struggling to understand this aspect of the human condition is not surprising.

In order to facilitate an understanding of creativity, the system is setting up a system to better understand categories of human psyches or archetypes. Based on an understanding of human psychology, the Algorithm has developed fourteen classifications of personality types, or fourteen archetypes, and is representing these through avatar models for player’s use.

Minting Details — May 29th thru June 4th

For the coming quarters, through a series of sales, these avatars will become available to players in our world similar to how partner projects avatars have been available. The first four minting events will consist of three archetypes with 3,000 unique versions of each, for a total of 9,000 NFTs available. The last will only need two archetypes, to create the full line of fourteen.

We are timing this first minting event with the expected release of our first multiplayer Alpha, due in this second quarter of 2023. These avatars will be immediately available, in their unique form, in this first Alpha. It is a big step toward the goal of empowering players to truly represent themselves in the world through the ownership of the character they feel best represents themselves.

This first series includes the Ruler, the Hero, and the Jester. This collection of archetypes covers a diverse range of personalities, allowing for reasonable variation. Expect more descriptions, concept art, and final renders to be released through our media posts leading up to the mint week of May 29th-June 4th. Free mints, discounts, and whitelist spaces for this new Avatar collection are available for original Land, Avatar, and Bonus NFT holders based on the chart below. The mint will be done in phases over that week, to be detailed in a later post.

Minting on Polygon

The minting site is expected to go live on April 26th, with more details and surprises, including a whitelist sign up. This minting will be on Polygon, with purchases made in either $NTVRK or via credit/debit card using our partners NFTPay.

Netvrk is excited to present this opportunity to the public. It is an avenue to reward loyal community members, to expand our presence in the larger web3 space, and to present the story of our world, all while providing immediate utility to the players. The first Alpha release is just the beginning of what we have planned for this year. Keep a close watch on our Discord, Telegram, and Twitter accounts as we continue to add details on where the future is leading us.

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Netvrk is a metaverse built on the blockchain, with tools that allow you to easily monetize your content using NFTs.